2007 Kevin Herbert, technology expert of the network assessment Corporation CISCO, reports that over the years, he regularly used LSD to solve the most important technological obstacles. During an event, honoring the 100-year-old inventor Dr. Albert Hofmann, Herbert demands to banish the drug tests from CISCO employees. *** Quantum music: Morphon, Brain Entertainment Laboratory, Orbital Dolphins, Star Sound Orchestra, Acid Test, Sci-Rom. *** A psychedelic afternoon at the `Horizons – contemporary perspectives on psychedelics` conference in New York City`s Judson Memorial Church. *** LSD agent John Beresford dies september 2’nd. *** Anita Hofmann – who as Dr. Albert Hofmanns wife has shared & tried out everything with her husband for 75 years (for example participating in the mushroom ceremony of Maria Sabina in Mexico) – dies on the 20th of December peacefully at home in her bed.

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