In the Change of Time

Was the Philosophers Stone the Ergot parasited crop?

Is the standing grain a symbol for the tree of knowledge?

Was the mother of corn known to the Sumerians and Sufis?

Was Jesus of Nazareth initiated into the ancient mysteries?

Was the bread that fell from heaven psychoactive?

What says Hermes Trismegistos to the Stone of Wisdom ?

Why did egypts god Osiris embodify the harvested crop?

What’s the effect & pharmacological nature of the gods

ambrosia – the ‚Kykeon‘ of the great Mysteries of Eleusis?

Are ergot epedemies the base of our religious worldview?

How did the CIA trigger the youth revolution in the 1960s?

Did Steve Jobs & Wozniak edevelop the first MAC under the influence of LSD?

Why does LSD support the shift to the relative reality?

Are the Hofmann lenses in „They live-we sleep“ & the red pill in „Matrix“ LSD?

Can LSD be usefull as a therapeutic & philosophical tool in todays global village?

How might LSD free itself from the classifikation as a common drug?

What’s the future of the former problem child LSD, which reveals itself as wonder child?

The 100th Birthday of Albert Hofmann

One of the founding fathers of Basel`s pharmaceutical industries was the medicus, magician and natural philosopher Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim known as `Paracelsus` who practiced alchemical research in Basel around 1530. The swisse city also became known for the poisoning of the river Rhein by the chemical plant `Sandoz` in 1986.

On January, the 13th 2006 scientists, therapists, researchers, artists, psychonauts and guests from over 37 countries gathered for a symposium at the `Congress Center` in Basel. These were the international emissaries of the modern consciousness research community. Compiling results they shared their experiences with the audience. For three days, more than 2.000 guests would pay homage to the Basel chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann, who had celebrated his 100th birthday only two days earlier. In the early morning an excited group of chinese Doctors called from the airplane to reserve tickets and even undercover state security officials were mingling amongst the guests.

The Reason?! … during his army service he was employed as a natural chemist at the pharmaceutical research laboratory of the Sandoz AG, whose supervision he later took over. In 1938 Dr. Hofmann synthesized new chemical compounds from the `Ergot`, among them the 25th of the Lysergic acid diethylamide. Five years later, on april 19th 1943 at the peak of World War 2 and precisely on the day of the Warsaw ghetto revolt, Dr. Hofmann conducted a self experiment with this consciousness expanding substance. In this he discovered a psychoactive substance of unknown potency, a spiritual counter balance to the destructive power of the nuclear age. LSD, the mysterious `Philosopher`s Stone`, a chemical agent with a explosive potential to fundamentally change and renew our stagnated materialistic world perceptions.

Reports by Werner Stoll in the Swiss `Medizin Journal`, describe the mental Effects of LSD. These reports so impressed Sandoz that they were convinced, that LSD produced a `model psychosis` providing a deeper insight into the perception of mentally ill patients. They permitted shipments of LSD samples to various psychiatric institutions, clinics & mental hospitals worldwide. The chemical corporation then began producing LSD 25 under the brand name `Delysid`.

1949, the wonder child LSD became of interest to the newly founded American secret service. The US Army & the CIA ordered 100 million doses of LSD (10 kg of this substance) from Sandoz to test it as a chemically psychoactive agent in `unconventional Warfare`. Many of the humanitarian foundations in the 50ies, funded by the US Secret Service, contributed the lion`s share of research funding on the human psyche. Seeking new ways of controlling the mind through brainwashing, LSD was considered to be a potential `truth drug` in the context of their `MK-Ultra experiments`. LSD was applied to students, political prisoners, mental hospital occupants and clueless civilians. These impure motivations turned LSD quickly into a problem child, escalating the secret service operations even further. The CIA brought LSD into the United States, it then broke out of the laboratories generating new thoughts in modern beat artists such as Bob Dylan, William S. Burroughs, Watts, Kerouak & John Lennon – and along with them a new revolution.

Dr. Hofmann maintained friendships with activists from various liberation and freedom movements across the United States. This included ranking writers such as Ernst Jünger and William S. Burroughs, the precursor of Cyberpunk. Even the famous Rockband `the Beatles` sent a letter thanking him. The famous author Aldous Huxley recognized him as `the discoverer of the true moksha-medicin` in his novel `Island`. Visionary scientists such as Timothy Leary (who developed the 8-circuits model) and John C. Lilly (who implemented the hardware-software model on the human brain and its programming).

For his works on Ergot, squill, foxglove and for the developments of the indispensable medication Hydergin®, Dehydergot®, und Methergin® Dr. Hofmann was awarded the honorary doctorate of the Universities of Zurich, Stockholm & Berlin. His inventions increased profits up into the billions for the company Sandoz (later fusing with Ciba-Geigy creating Novartis).

In 1951 the discovery of sacred mushrooms as the sacrament of the Mexican shaman-woman Maria Sabina, as well as Hofmann`s synthesis of the mushrooms psychoactive compound `Psylocibin`, opened up the gates to psychedelic shamanism and the religious roots of mankind. As prooved by the prosecuted researches Ruck, Wasson & Hofmann the use of LSD comes from our own cultural heritage. An Ergot containing drink called `Kykeon` was at the center of the great `Greek Eleusian Mysteries`. They lasted almost 2.000 years between 1500 b.c and 400 a.d..This sacred substance opened the gateway to experiencing `death & rebirth` in the eleusian autumn rituals. Midwives also confirmed that Mutterkorn (ergotamine) extracts were used as a birth support medicine up until the late middle ages. In 1968 the psycho vitamin LSD was completely prohibited by US-President Johnson, the LSD inventor responded:`don`t throw out the baby with the bath water`. As a retired natural philosopher, Albert Hoffman still has strong hope to re-establish his wonder child LSD for therapeutic purposes, so that: `In time something similar to Eleusis will manifest – meditation centers that not only heal the ill, but intend to evolve the person through meditation techniques or chemical aid„.

Dr. Hofmann describes the primary-cyclic…natural matrix as an infinite transmitter. Our ability to perceive other worlds from it`s infinite nature depends on the quality of instruments and level of consciousness. For his entire life he pointed out the fact that: `the archaic instruments such as LSD or Psylocibin are natural agents, chemically and structurally related to common brain factors. For no means are they abnormal, but are in fact related to our interconnection with the plant kingdom.`

In the course of time, the pioneer of consciousness research abnegated to the absurd nihilistic scientific ideas, `which are harmful to the spiritual fundaments of Life, as they leave the individual in the loneliness and insecurity of a dead, technical world`. LSD-25 has the potential to help us overcome the spiritual vacuum created by our materialistic world views.

The witch hunt and the war on drugs has forced this experience of wholeness and healing underground, but as this current film documentation presents, LSD-25 has triggered the freedom movements, the Apple Computer and the global citizenship. If we make the effort to be guided by both reason & heart (Logos & Eros) inside todays global village, it will not take long before LSD`s purifying and empowering effects are recognized and even legalized as a standard therapeutic and philosophical tool.

What Dr. Hofmann and his wonder child LSD reveals to the emerging planetary community is simular to what Albert Einstein did to the physician Isaac Newton: LSD brought the transfer of our worldview from an absolute to a relative reality.

In love for live, your mediaShaman

Boris Eden Nikolaus Hiesserer (Doors Of Perception Ethic Committee-Heidelberg)


Online Archive, Info-Quellen und Web-Links
Deutsch (Österreich, BRD, Schweiz)

Mutterkorn und LSD – Die Heiligen
Technologien der Visionären Kultur

The Spirit of Basel & World Psychedelic Forum

LSD-Kongress, Basel 2006 & 2008

LSD-Kongress Basel, 2006 & 2008
Audio- & Video-Mitschnitte

LSD Medien- & Bibliothek
Julio Mario Santa Domingo

European Coalition for Just and Effective
Drug Policies (ENCOD):

Stanislav Grofs Psychotherapie-Netzwerk
Spiritual Emergency Network u.a.

Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft
für Psycholytische Therapie

Psychedelische Gesellschaft Deutschland

Deutsches Drogen-Forum


Entheovision-Kongress, Berlin

Entheogene Blätter

Ethnobotanik: Heil- und Rauschkräuter

Alles rund um Pilze



David Schlesinger über Pilze, Jesus Christus und das wahre Christentum

Gehirnwäsche, Wahrheitsdrogen,Bewusstseinskontrolle, Geheimdienste & Sekten:
"Unsichtbare Ketten" von Hans Ulrich Gresch - Free-E-Book (pdf download)

Vereine für Partykultur, Infomaterial zu Drogenaufklärung und Risikominimierung - - -

Timewave Zero TV - Aspekte
der psychedelischen Bewegung

Markus Berger und Nachtschatten TV
DEA (Drug Education Agency)

Martin Steldinger (Medienprojekt Psi-TV

Steffen Geyer (Exzessiv-TV)

Land der Träume
Psychedelische Online Community

Weltkulturerbe Psychonautik
Ein drogenpolitisches Manifest

Heidelberg Thingstätte Mainachtfeier:

Kräuterkicks, pflanzliche Elixiere & Ritualbedarf

VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft & Bildung
Postfach 110368, D-10833 Berlin

Fachverlag für Drogenaufklärung

AV Recording Service

Raymond Martin Verlag

Werner Piepers MedieneXperimente

Fritz Dobretzberger - Planetware

Klangwirkstoff Records
Thomas Wölke / Bert Olke GbR

Edition Cybercultures Studies
Verlag Andreas Mascha

Doors Of Perception Ethic Committee

Unbezahlbare Weisheiten & Medienschamanisches Gold

Pyromania Arts Foundation
POB 120503, D-69067 Heidelberg


Englisch (USA, GB, International)
Albert Hofmann Foundation

Erowid - Online Library on LSD 
& psychoactive plant entheogens

Drugs-Forum on LSD etc.

LSD - the sacred technology 
of Visionary Culture

Multiple Association for 
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

Peter Stafford and other researchers

Peter Webster - The Eleusinian mysteries

LSD & other plants & chemicals

Research Wisdom Art Forum

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

LSD within science

Council of Spiritual Practise

Gnostic Movies

Street Drug Lab Tests (ecstasy)

Virtual Enzyclopedia of Drug Synthesis

Blotter Art by Mark McCloud

Blotter Art by 
Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters

Lord Nose
POB 170473G, SF CA 94117

Sound Photosynthesis
POB 2111, Mill Valley, CA 94942-2111

POB 471659, San Francisco CA 94174
phone: 415 292 7803

Andrew Scanders 
73 Duckett Rd., London N4 1BL, GB

Rosetta Folios & Books 
POB 4611, Berkeley CA 94704

Of the Jungle 
POB 1801, Sebastopol CA 95473

Flashback - film by Danny Gomez

Justus Friederich Carl Hecker –
The black death and dancing mania

The Origins of Religion as Reference to Sacred Mushrooms

Entheogenesis Australis

Lycaeum - Mind expanding adress list

Psychoactive Substances in Prehistoric Times:
Examining the Archaeological Evidence - Elisa Guerra-Doce


Online Archives, Info Sources & Web Links
Albert Hofmann Foundation

Erowid - Online Library on LSD 
& psychoactive plant entheogens

Drugs-Forum on LSD etc.

LSD - the sacred technology 
of Visionary Culture

Multiple Association for 
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

Peter Stafford and other researchers

Peter Webster - The Eleusinian mysteries

LSD & other plants & chemicals

Research Wisdom Art Forum

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

LSD within science

Council of Spiritual Practise

Gnostic Movies

Street Drug Lab Tests (ecstasy)

Virtual Enzyclopedia of Drug Synthesis

Blotter Art by Mark McCloud

Blotter Art by 
Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters

Lord Nose
POB 170473G, SF CA 94117

Sound Photosynthesis
POB 2111, Mill Valley, CA 94942-2111

POB 471659, San Francisco CA 94174
phone: 415 292 7803

Andrew Scanders 
73 Duckett Rd., London N4 1BL, GB

Rosetta Folios & Books 
POB 4611, Berkeley CA 94704

Of the Jungle 
POB 1801, Sebastopol CA 95473

Flashback - film by Danny Gomez

Justus Friederich Carl Hecker –
The black death and dancing mania

The Origins of Religion as Reference to Sacred Mushrooms

Entheogenesis Australis

Lycaeum - Mind expanding adress list

Psychoactive Substances in Prehistoric Times:
Examining the Archaeological Evidence - Elisa Guerra-Doce


Books, Publications, Films and Media on LSD


1933: St. Petri Schnee - english "St. Peters snow" (Leo Peruz) **
1954: The Doors of Perception (Aldous Huxley) *
1956: Heaven and Hell (Aldous Huxley) *
1956: A Drug Taker's Notes (R. H. Ward)
1956: Round Table Proceedings on LSD (& Mescaline) in Experimental Psychiatry (ed. L. Cholden)
1956: Neuropharmacology (1955 conference, ed. Harold Abramson)
1957: L'Infini turbulent [Infinite Turbulence] (Henri Michaux; eng. ed. 1975)
1958: Handbook for the Therapeutic Use of LSD-25 (Duncan Blewett & Nick Chwelos)
1958: Annotated Bibliography of Delysid (LSD-25) (Sandoz Co.)
1960: The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy (Conference 1959, ed. H. Abramson)
1961: Exploring Inner Space (Jane Dunlap = Adelle Davis)
1962: The Joyous Cosmology (Alan Watts)1962: Island (Huxley)
1962: Myself and I (Constance A. Newland = Thelma Moss)
1962: Eiland (Aldous Huxley)
1962: Hallucinogenic Drugs & their Apllication to ESP (Bernard Copley)
1962: The Discovery of Love (Malden G. Bishop)
1962: Long-Lasting Effects of LSD on Certain Attitudes in Normals (William McGlothlin)
1962: Fahrten in den Weltraum der Seele (Travells in the Souls Universe) (Gelbke; engl. 1981)
1963: LSD: The Age of Mind (Bernard Roseman)
1963: The Beyond Within (Sidney Cohen)
1964: The Psychedelic Experience (Timothy Leary, Richard Metzner, Richard Alpert)
1964: LSD: The Consciousness-Expanding Drug (ed. David Solomon)
1964: Utopiates (ed. Richard Blum)
1965: LSD-Astronauts (Phillip K. Dick, novel)
1965: The Psychedelic Reader (ed. Gunther Weil, Ralf Metzner & Tim Leary)
1965: Psychedelic-40 (Louis Charbonneau)
1965: The three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Philip K. Dick)
1966: Psychedelic Prayers (Timothy Leary)
1966: The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience (Robert Masters & Jean Houston)
1966: LSD (Richard Alpert & Sidney Cohen)
1966: Burning Joy (George Andrews)
1967: LSD, Man & Society (ed. DeBold & Leaf)
1967: The Hallucinogens (Abram Hoffer & Humphry Osmond)
1967: The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy & Alcoholism (1965 conference, ed. Abramson)
1967: LSD: The Problem Solving Psychedelic (Peter Stafford & Bonnie Golightly)
1967: The Sexual Paradise of LSD (Marcia Alexander)
1967: The Human Biocomputer - Theory & Experiments (John C. Lilly)
1967: LSD (Alpert & Cohen)
1967: The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy (H. A. Abrahamson, Ed.)
1968: The Beyond within (S. Cohen)
1968: The Politics of Ecstasy (Timothy Leary)
1968: High Priest (Timothy Leary)
1968: The Ecstatic Adventure (ed. Ralph Metzner)
1968: This Timeless Moment (Laura Huxley)
1968: Psychedelic Art (Masters & Houston)
1968: LSD Psychotherapy (W. W. Caldwell)
1968: The Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation of the Eucharist (ed. Robert Brown)
1968: The days of the St. Antonius's Fire (John C. Fuller) **
1968: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Tom Wolfe)
1968: Phanerothyme (Lisa Bieberman)
1968: The Private Sea: LSD & the Search for God (William Braden)
1969: Altered States of Conciousness (Charles T. Tart) ***
1969: Chemical Ecstasy (Walter Houston Clark)
1969: Frontiers of Being (Blewett)
1969: Acid Temple Ball ("Mary Sativa"=Sharon Rudahl)
1969: Psychedelics & Inner Space (Ethel Edwards)
1970: Psychedelics (ed. Bernard Aaronson & Humphry Osmond)
1970: Poetic Vision & the Psychedelic Experience (R. A. Durr)
1970: Alice in Acidland (Thomas Fensch)
1970: Be not Content (William J. Graddock)
1970: Annäherungen (Aproaches) (Ernst Jünger)
1970: Psychedelic Baby reaches Puberty (Peter Stafford)
1970: Hallucinogenic Drugs in the Treatment of Alcoholism (L.A. Faillace, Comprehensive Psychiatry 11)
1971: The Boo Hoo Bible (Art Kleps)
1971: Be Here Now (Richard Alpert & Ram Dass)
1971: The Psychedelic Experience (W. David Watts)
1967: Psychedelic Baby Reaching Puberty (Peter Stafford)
1972: LSD: Personality and Experience (Harriet Barr & Robert Langs)
1972: Lieutenant LSD ("Lan Creston" = Alan Kaplan)
1972: The Psychedelic Teacher (Ignacio Gotz)
1972: The Center of the Cyclone (John C. Lily)
1973: The Man Who Turned On the World (Michael Hollingshead)
1973: The Psychedelic guide to the Eucharist ((Robert E. Brown)
1973: The Botany & Chemistry of Hallucinogens (Richard E. Schultes & Albert Hofmann)
1973: Psychedelic Chemistry (Michael Starks)
1974: Development of the Psychedelic Individual (John Gowan)
1975: LSD: A Total Study (ed. Siva Sankar)
1975: Millbrook (Art Kleps)
1976: Realms of the Human Unconscious (Stanislaw Grof)
1976: The Center Of The Cyclon (John C. Lilly)
1977: Moksha (A. Huxley; ed. Michael Horrowitz & Cynthia Palmer)
1977: The Psychedelics Encyclopedia (Peter Stafford)
1977: The Human Encounter with Death (Grof & Joan Hallifax)
1977: Psychedelic Anthropology (Alan Coult)
1978: The Road to Eleusis (R. Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann, Carl Ruck)
1979: LSD mein Sorgenkind (Albert Hofmann, 1. engl. ed. 1980)
1979: Psychedelics Revisited (Lester Grin Spoon & James Bakalar)
1979: The search for the Manchurian Candidate (John Marks)
1979: Cosmic Trigger (Robert Anton Wilson, Pop-Roman)
1980: LSD Psychotherapy (Stanislaw Grof)
1980: Amazing Dope Tails & Haight Street Flashbacks (Steven Gaskin)
1982: Shaman Woman, Mainline Lady (Cynthia Palmer & Michael Horowitz)
1983: Psychedelic Reflections (Lester Grin Spoon & James Bakalar)
1983: Flashbacks (Timothy Leary)
1984: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love (Steward Tandler & David May)
1985: Acid Dreams (Martin Lee & Bruce Schlain)
1986: Acid Beat: a Psychedelic Glossary (Scott Britzell)
1986: Insights - Outsights (Albert Hofmann) (engl. ed.)
1987: Storming Heaven - LSD & the american dream (Jay Stevens)
1987: Info-Psychology (Timothy Leary)
1988: Annotated Bibliography of Timothy Leary (Michael Horowitz, Karen Walls & Billy Smith)
1989: Rapid Eye (Simon Dwyer, ed., R.E. Publishing Ltd., UK)
1990: Biochemistry (Mathews & Van Holde, Oregan State University
1990: Dictionary of Religions, part 1: from stone age to the Eleusian Mysteries (Mircea Eliade)
1990: The Further Inquiry (Ken Kesey)
1990: The Sacred Mirrors (Alex Grey) ****
1991: PIHKAL - Psychedelics I Have Known and Loved (Ann & Alexander Shulgin)
1991: True Hallucinations (Terence McKenna)
1991: KA-TZETNIK 135633 (Shivitti)
1992: Food of the Gods  - the search for the original tree of knowledge (Terence McKenna)
1992: Murder, Magic and Medicine (John Mann)
1993: Silver Threads - 25 Years Parapsychology (Kane, Millay & Brown, Praeger Publishers)
1993: E for Ecstasy (Nicholas Saunders)
1994: The Seduction Of Madness - therapeutic ways out of entranced worlds (Edward M. Podvoll)
1994: 50 Years Of LSD: Status & Perspectives of hallucinogens (A. Pletscher, T. Francis ed.)
1994: Strange Fruit, Alchemy & Religion - The Hidden Truth (Clark Heinrich)
1995: Highpriest (Timothy Leary) (1968, Howard Hallis new ed. )
1995: Cyberia (Douglas Rushkoff)
1997: Practical LSD Manufacture (Uncle Fester, Loompanics Unlimited)
1997: The Secret Chief - Conversations with a Pioneer of the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement
(Stan. Grof, ed. Myron J. Stolaroff)
1998: ABC Book - A Drug Primer (Steven Cerlio)
1999: Techgnosis - myth, magic and mysticism in the age of information (Erik Davis)
1999: A Little Book Of Acid (Cam Cloud, Blotter Art)
2000: The Mystery of Manna - The Psychedelic Sacrament of the Bible (Dan Merkur)
2001: Transfigurations (Alex Grey, USA) ****
2001: Converted on LSD Trip (David Clarke, USA)
2001: Plants Of The Gods (Albert Hofmann, Richard Evans Schultes)
2001: Summer of Love: the inside story of LSD, free love & Rock `n Roll (Joel Selvin)
2002: Zig Zag Zen, Buddhism & Psychedelics, (Alan H. Badinger & Alex Grey, Blotter Art)
2003: Unsichtbare Ketten (Hans Ulrich Gresch) e-book (German) - free online download ! *****
2004: Rational Mysticism (John Horgan)
2004: Book of the Rising Fun - My Secret Life (Eric Burton, J. Marschall Craig)
2004: LSD, Spirituality and the Creative Process (Oscar Janinger, Marlene Dobkin de Rios)
2006: Occulture Club (Erik Davis)
2006: Psychedelic Index (Alexander Sasha Shulgin)
2007: The Black Death and the Dancing Mania (Justus Friederich Karl Hecker) ***** e-book !
2007: Elephants on Acid (Alex Boese)
2011: The Mushroom in Christian Art (Prof. John Rush)
2013: Owsley and Me - My LSD Family (Rhoney Gissen Stanley & Tom Davis)


1963: Drugs and Mysticism (W. Pahnke`s Harvard Dissertation)
1963: Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin and personality change (M. Sanford Unger, Psychiatry 26)
1963: "Drugs and the Mind" special issue contains Leary & Alperts' manifesto,
"The Politics of Consciousness Expansion," along with contributions by Wasson and Schultes.Harvard Review)
1964-1971: The Psychedelic Review (Cambridge, Millbrook, New York, San Francisco)
1964-1968: PIC (Psychedelic Information Center) newsletter
1965: Patterns of Hallucinogenic Drug Abuse (A. Ludwig, American Medical Association Journal)
1965: D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: its present Status (Hoffer, Clinical Pharmacological Therapy 6)
1966: Utopiates - The Use and Users of LSD-25 (R. Blum a. o.)
1966: The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience (R. E. L. Masters)
1966-67: The San Francisco Oracle - Haight Ashbury (Alan Cohen, re-edited Regent press, USA 1993)
1966-67 Inner Space (New York)
1967: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
1967: Psychedelic therapy utilizing LSD in the treatment of alcoholic Patients, American Journal of Psychiatry 123)
1970: A Clinical Examination of Chronic LSD Use in the Community (Comprehensive Psychiatry 11, St. Barron)
1970: Psychedelics - The Uses & Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs, ed. Humphry Osmond & B. Aaronson (USA)
1970: Toward a rational approach to Psychedelics (A. A. Weech, Comprehensive Psychiatry 11)
1978: Unanswered Questions from Huxley`s Experiments (Psychedelic Education Center, USA)
1978-80: Blotter - Bootleg Magazine (Santa Cruz, CA)
1979: The Journey toward the Self - Psychotherapy with Healing Drugs (Claudio Naranjo)
1984: Mondo 2000 (R.U Sirius, ed. FunCity MegaMedia, POB 10171, Berkeley, CA 94709 USA)
1985: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs - LSD in Retrospect (ed. Zerkin & Novey)
1985: LSD and Ethics - an essay (Walter Houston Clark)
1986: Evolution Magazine Vol 13+14 (Fraser Clark, James Hamilton & George Firesoff, London UK)
1986: Psychedelic Monographs & Essays (POB 4465 Boynton Beach FL 33424)
1986: Encyclopaedia Psychedelics (POB 833 London NW6, UK)
1987: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (New Musical Express, Issue Mai, page 29, UK)
1988: Psychedelic Heroines, Enzyclopaedia Psychedelica no.8+9  (A-K)+(L-Z) (Evolution Crew, London UK)
1988: BOING-BOING (11288 Ventura Blvd. #818 Studio City, CA 91604)
1989: A. Hofmann Foundation Newsletter (291s La Cienega Ave#615, Beverly Hills CA 90211)
1989: Rapid Eye: Mescalin, Mysticism & a Journey Out Of Time by Christopher Mayhew, UK)
1990: MAPS Newsletter (1801 Tippah Ave., Charlotte NC 28205)
1991: Intergration (Eschenau 29, 8729 Knetzgau, Germany)
1992: Psychedelic Illuminations (POB 3186, Fullerton CA 92634)
1992: Barlow on Acid, John Perry Barlow - De New Breed, Timothy Leary (Ego 2000 Magazine, NL)
1992: Acid Biker (J. Bland, Wilbur Hot Springs, Star Rt., Williams CA 95987)
1993: LSD - 50 Years & Beyond - Supplement April 16th-17th (Island Group & Millbrook West)
1993: Island Views (Island Group, 1803 Mission Street #175, Santa Cruz, CA 95060)
1992: Entheogen Review (POB 778 El Rito NM 87530) Antiquarian Booksellers & Resources
1993: Reactor Magazine - Bicycle Day (D. Prince, 858 W. Armitage, #208, Chicago, IL 60614)
1993: Lysergic High Times (Gaia Media, POB 333, CH 4003 Basel, Switzerland)
1993: 50 Candles for LSD`s Jubilee - Peter Stafford, CA)
1993: Open Letter to the Psychedelic Community from an LSD Prisoner (Neil Hassall, USA)
1994: Albert Hofmann - Rave New World 4 (Pyromania Arts, POB 120503, 69067 Heidelberg, GER)
1996: How I became a Cybernaut (Bruce Eisner, Island Group, USA)
1997: Dossier Entheogenos Habla Hofmann - Canamo Magazin (Joaquim Tarinas, Spain)
1998: Psychoactivity Report - Zavtone Magazine (, Japan)
1999: Albert Hofmann - Rave New World 8 (Pyromania Arts, POB 120503, 69067 Heidelberg, GER)
2000: Cleansing the Doors of Perception - The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants & Chemicals
(Smith & Huston, USA)
2001: Converted on LSD Trip (David Clark, Harrods Of Abshott Publications, GB)
2001: Welcome to the K-Hole (Erik Davis, Village Voice, New York USA)
2001: Psychoactive Sacramentals. Essays on Entheogens and Religion, ed. Thomas B. Roberts (USA)
2005: Psychedelic Medicine: Mind bending, health giving (John Horgan
2006: Mushroom Magazine - 100 Years of Albert Hofmann


1942: Mighty Mouse  vs. the Ergot (Izzy Klein, Terrytoon, USA)
1948: Alice in Wonderland (Dallas Bower, USA) *
1967: The Trip - a big thrill in a little pill (Roger Corman, USA)
1968: Alice in Acidland (John Donne, USA)
1968: 2001 - Odyssee in Space (Stanley Kubrik, UK, USA) *
1968: The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Music-Comic-Film (George Dunning, UK)
1967: The Trip - a big thrill in a little pill (Jack Nicholson, USA)
1969: Easy Rider - with Peter Fonda (Dennis Hopper, USA)
1970: Woodstock - Musik-Festival Documentation (Bob Maurice, USA)
1975: Tommy - Rock-Opera mit Soundtrack von The Who (Ken Russel, USA) **
1975: One flew over the cockoo`s nest (Milos Forman, USA) ***
1979: Hair - Film Musical (Milos Forman, USA) **
1980: Altered States (Ken Russel, USA) ***
1986: The Beyond Within - The Rise & Fall of LSD  (BBC, UK)
1987: It was Twenty Years Ago Today (John Sheppard, Granada TV, UK)
1988: They Live (we sleep) - (John Carpenter, USA) ****
1988 - 2007: The Simpsons (Matt Groening, USA) *****
1990: Flashing on the Sixties - a tribal document (Lisa Law, USA)
1991: The Doors (Oliver Stone, USA)
1993: The Psychedelic Summit - 50 Years of LSD & Beyond (Psychedelic Illuminations, USA)
1996: Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, UK)
1998: Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (Terry Gilliam)
1999-2003: Matrix Trilogie - Reloaded, Revolutions (Andy & Larry Wachowski, USA) ******
1999: The Jacobs Ladder (Adrian Lyne, Bruce Joel Rubin, USA) *******
2000: One Big Trip - Roadmovie (USA)
2002: Gambling, Gods & LSD (Peter Mettler, CA, CH)
2002: Liquid Crystal Vision (Bily Rood & Torsten Klimmer, USA, BRD)
2002: Hofmanns Potion (Connie Littlefield, CANADA)
2002: Code Name Artichoke - secret experiments on humans by the CIA (State TV Film, GER)
2003: The Net - the unabomber, LSD and the internet (Lutz Dammbeck, BRD)
2004: Blueberry (Jan Kounen, USA) ********
2004: Cary Grant - Movies Gentleman (Documentation, USA)
2005: LSD - Science and Experience (Ralf Metzner & Ram Dass, USA)
2010: Human Resources - Social Engineering in the 20th Century (Scott Noble, USA)
2012: The Substance - Albert Hofmann's LSD (Martin Witz, Swisse)
2013: Psychedelia (Pat Murphy, USA)


1966: LSD Documentary Record (Alan Livingston & Lawrence Schiller, Capitol Records, USA)
1986: Tune in, turn on the Acid House (*music vinyl, G. P. Orridge & Psychick TV, Temple Records, UK)
1988: Tekno Acid Beat - Pure Acid DJ Mix`s (*music Vinyl, Psychick Television, Temple Records, UK)
1990: Flashing Back on the sixties - a tribal document by Lisa Law (Flashback Productions LTD, USA)
1991: The Bridge Conference Documentary - Psychedelics in the 1990's (M.A.P.S., USA)
1992: You can be anything this time around - Timothy Leary (*music -CD, UFO Records, UK)
1992: Die Eleusinischen Mysterien - Albert Hofmann (AV Recording Service Hrsg., GER)
1993: 50th Anniversary Of LSD (*music vinyl limited, Source Records & Pyromania Arts, GER)
1993: 50 Years Of Sunshine (*music - 2 CD-Set, Silent Records, CA)
1993: The Psychedelic Summit - 50 Years of LSD & Beyond (Island Group & MAPS, the MediaShaman, Ger)
1993: Acid Test - Hommage a` Albert (music CD, Simon & Leutner, Berlin, GER)
1994: An der tieferen Wirklichkeit gesunden - A. Hofmann Vortrag (Ed., B. Eden, Pyromania Arts, GER)
1994: Exhile & Exhileration - Genesis P. Orridge (Pharmacon Conference, Transmissions, USA)
1995: Ambient Temple Of Imagination- Eleusinia, (*music vinyl, Richard Sun, ATOI, USA)
1996: True Frequencies - Pyromania Arts , Thom Kubli & B.-Eden 123 (*Musik-CD, Source Records, GER)
1996: LSD ganz persˆnlich - Albert Hofmann (AV Recording Service Hrsg., GER)
1997: Meditation & sinnliche Wahrnehmung - A. Hofmann (AV Recording Service Hrsg., GER)
1998: George Clinton & the Mothership Connection - Parliament Funkadelic (DVD, Gravity Unlimited, USA)
1998: Der Alchemistische Kongre_ - a cybertribe logfile (ed. B.-Eden, Pyromania Arts Foundation, GER)
1998: Psychic TV - origin of the species (*Musik-CD, Invisible Records Chicago, USA)
1999: Mindworx 97-99 - Moksha (Paul & Thorn Hoeth, BTM music, magic, media, GER)
1999: Getting High - the History of LSD, Video-CD, ed. Justin Kendall (History Channel, USA)
1999: Are you Shpongled? - Shpongle (*Musik-CD, Twisted Records, UK)
2004: Peter Webster, `The first supper- Eden where & when?`.(*DVD ed. P. Webster,
2005: The MediaShaman - zu A. Hofmanns 100. Geburtstag (*music 5CD set, B. Hiesserer ed., GER, UK)
2006: The Spirit Of Basel, 100 Jahre A. Hofmann (Medienexperimente, Luc Sala ed., NL, GER)
2006: MedienSchamanismus - conciousness research hearBook (*music & lecture DVD, D.O.P.E.C., GER)
2006: Project Eleusis - The Bible Of Psychedelics (Dropout Production trance Audio compilation, CH)
2007: Tim Learys SF`s Show live at `The Stone` DVD (Sound Photo Synthesis, Faustin, USA)
2008: LSD, or the discription of the undiscribable (South West Radio 2, Germany)
2008: Lecture recordings by A. Hofman, Stan Grof, Alex Grey, M. Horowitz, Cynthia Palmer, W. D. Storl,
Ralph Metzner, M. Bröckers, Nana Nauwald, Ch. Rätsch, Dennis McKenna, Kath Harrison, Rick Doblins, Mountain Girl a.m.o.
(DVD/CD, Auditorium Network, GER)
2008: Reports on the death of Dr. Albert Hofmann (ARD Television News, 3 Sat, Europen News & Radio Stations)
2008: The Philosophers Stone - 100 Years Dr. Albert Hofmann (D.O.P.E.C & Lightriders, GER)

edited by your mediaShaman

A Sacred Technology in the Change of Time
At the beginning of ancient cultures existed a female creational force, the `Great Goddess`. The godhead was creation and the creation was female. The `Great Goddess` embodyfied the rebirthing, the living & dying, the light & dark, the beauty & horrible of the world & the cosmos. All extensive/unlimited and nameless was the ancient goddess of the old religion, then she became the Sumerian Inannah, the Babylonian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis, the Roman Ceres, the greek Gaia, Demeter & Persephone in the `Great Mysteries` of Eleusis, the christian Mary, the corn crop Madonna and the rye-wolf (Roggenmuhme) in German folklore. She was alls & everything was she. In mythology she was pandrogyn and gave birth to the world of the gods and the humans, who we are a soul spark of herself.

Because she, the great ancient mother (Lillith, Eve, Sophia, Core, Persephone) once broke a branch from the tree of life, its magickal fruit could survive until the present day. The condemnation of all cults opposing the catholic doctrine forced the gnostic knowledge of the magical fruit together with it`s holeness revealing qualities underground, where it`s true identity has been disquised with uncountable names: Dragon, snake cup, blossom of life, virgins milk, paradise water, gods teardrop, Ambrosia, drink or food of the gods, paradise apple, honeydew, Aqua Solvens, grail, Karfunkel stone, Hermaphrodit, Rebis, round body from the mids, drinkable gold or light (aurum), living source, water of wisdom, Aqua Coelestis, Queen of all honour, tincture, elixier, panacea, blood of the redeemer, holy child, bread and body of the lord, manna, Soma, Kykeon, St. Peters snow, mothercorn, LSD-25, Acid…

`She`s reborn rich the honorable Queen, most call her with her daughters name, who multiplicates, birthing uncountable children, beeing unspeakable pure and clean.`
Alchemist Mothercorn Hymne

During the past ages man had discovered the healing and destroying forces of the plant kingdom on his long path into humanity. The retired Swisse chemist and natural philosopher Dr. Albert Hofmann, repeatetly said also: `The plant is the base for the religious experience of man.` As indigenous people our ancesters knew about the secrets of the `Philosophers Stone`, who as an organic, sacred substance, was able to open up a communication channel for real time transmission between the human soul and the worldsoul of the mothership planet earth. The shamanic, magical, gnostic & psychotherapeutical tradition of the templers and alchemists knew how to use the `water beaten out of the stone`wisely. As a life elixier ist embodlfied the secret of a holy technology of selftransformation, during wich time & place flow into each other like virginsmilk & honeydew, all roads meet, lead turns into gold and sleeping human animals awake into god.

In sight of this revelation, it seems as if we are the naive! Probably we`ve assumed to early, to have understood all there is to know about matter. But5 untill the present day we cant tell where our feelings nor our soul is located. It seems as if the Witches and alchemists, through their humbleness, gained deeper insights into the workings of the world, as we humans of the technological age have archieved today. The psychedelic shamanism of many indigenous tribes is founded on those insights into creation and self. With the globalisation of `MediaShamanis` the psychedelic research community has expanded the term `Technology` into the plant knowledge and the archaic techniques of exstasy. The protection of these tribal cultures, threatened by genozide, and the preservation of old knowlede is, as well up on the modern conciousness movements agenda as the aim to accept psychedelics as a cultural heritage of mankind.

Psychotherapist C. G. Jung recognized a complex system of systematic psycho-spiritual transformation. For the high work `Opus Magnum` a dance of imagination had to be generated, in wich the chemical processes in the test tubes got reflected in the psychological complexes within the alchemist. On their search for the world-code, true magicians, alchemists and scientists, as well as visionary mystics the `holy` in the own seemen and in the plant seeds, the own woman in the earth, the own life`s rythm of birth, death & resurrection in the own lifes cycle, the own blood vessels as the veins and rivers on land, the heavenly cosm as microcosm within the own body. This organic, holistic world view is expressed by the – seemingly also into the mysteries initiated historical Jesus of Nazareth. `The drain that falls to the earth and does not die will stay lonely – but if it dies it bring uncountable fruits`, he spoke and revealed with this the central core of the `great ancient mystery cults`: `Die and be reborn!`

To gain this experience for more than 2.000 years, men and women, rich and poor went from Athens on a pilgrimage to the temple of Eleusis, where the `Great Mysteries` wer celebrated every autumn. In the `Telesterion` the giant hall of initiation, 3.000 initiants, called `neophyts` could have strong psycho-spirutual transformative experiences at the same time. In the meantime the chemical and pharmacological nature of the `Kykeon` got decoded. It`s secret was not based on Robert Ranke Grave`s and Terence McKenna`s `Psylocibe` mushrooms, but on the parasite mushroom growing on infected Rye (mother-corn) `Claviceps Purpurea` which the Hofmann-Ruck-Wasson theory had allready guessed to be the psychoactive ingredient.

The cultural meaning of these mysteries and it`s not enough ??? role in the civilisation of Europe becomes clear by different wellknown initiants. Platon, Aristoteles, Alkibiades, Epiktet, Pindar a.o. poets and thinkers of the antique praised their tranformative Eleusis-experiences in hymns. Homer writes: `blissfull is amoung the humans on earth, who has seen this. Who is not initiated in the holy mysteries, who has`nt seen this remains a dull , who did not participate in it, remains a dead in dull darkness.` And the roman statesman Cicero mentioned to Eleusis: `Not only have we received the reason there to live in joy, but also that we may die with better hope.` As Dr. Hofmann, Wasson & Ruck could proove, the `Kykeon`, a psychoactive `ambrosia` administered and served in the millions until the christian gothic king Alarich destroyed the temple of Eleusis 395 AD.

`At least the forbidden fruits were eaten and thereby the warm reason of life concealed. A grain of wheat eclipses the sun of Adam,
just as the dragons tail dulls the brightness of the moon.` Rumi Masnavi I Ma`navi

(dervish order of Mevlana)

And yet, the most holy should have survived. treated as a treasure shrouded in mystery it returned back to Europe, along with the Templers and knights of the big crusade. So apart from the `Resurrection Rose of Jericho` and the cult of the `Great Goddess` the story of a godly meal, the `life giving Grail` or `Philosophical Stone` spread across Europe. Here the most important astrologers and alchemists Agrippa von Nettesheim, Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Flamel & Nikolaus Kopernikus maintain to know about the future and would posess the `Philosophers Stone` and the `Elixier of life`. Manyfold where the searchers who tryd to destill the `eternal live giving lifes elixier` from the philosophical stone and to read within the `Akasha`; the book of life. In the mids of hsis posessive transformation of metalls, the Basel doctor and medicus Paracelsus pushed foreward the enterprise of pharmacy. And John Dee, adviser of the queen Elisabeth of England has held daemonic rituals, toxified himself and called on the forces of angels. In their search for the worlds code, these archaic scientists paved the way into our modern global telecommunication technology.

„Repeatedly alchemists have said that the stone was a physical experience and that he would be physical as well as spiritual, what seems to be a well discription of an entheogenic substance.`
(Clark Heinrich, 1998)

The midwife knew about the birth supporting qualities of the `Ergot` (claviceps purpurea) and how to use it as a medcine. The women of destiny or herbal women, once called herbaria became wellknown as haagze and later hagezusse or hexe (witch) in german Folklore. With the conversation to christianity the former grain-goddess turned into a grain-wolf. With her elementals, the ferries, dwarfs and elves the `Great Mother` of the old religion was daemonized and her place was overtaken by her younger sun, the solar god. Banned from her traditional place within the holy trinity, her spirit and blood lineage was heavily decimated during the witch hunts unfolding over centuries. Nowadays that we can realize which vast treasure of collective plant knowledge was lost under the christian pedantry, we have to show ourselfes responsible to save this gnostic tradition of the indigenous cultures and to re-establish it within our global civilisation. Our stagnated materialistic worldview is waiting, to update by a holistic living cosmology. The midwife knew about the birth supporting qualities of the `Ergot` (claviceps purpurea) and how to use it as a medcine. The women of destiny or herbal women, once called herbaria became wellknown as haagze and later hagezusse or hexe (witch) in german Folklore. With the conversation to christianity the former grain-goddess turned into a grain-wolf. With her elementals, the ferries, dwarfs and elves the `Great Mother` of the old religion was daemonized and her place was overtaken by her younger sun, the solar god. Banned from her traditional place within the holy trinity, her spirit and blood lineage was heavily decimated during the witch hunts unfolding over centuries. Nowadays that we can realize which vast treasure of collective plant knowledge was lost under the christian pedantry, we have to show ourselfes responsible to save this gnostic tradition of the indigenous cultures and to re-establish it within our global civilisation. Our stagnated materialistic worldview is waiting, to update by a holistic living cosmology.

In the light of this planetary plant intelligence the words that Jesus said duringng the last supper have to be re-interpreted, when he spekas: II am the bread of life, this is the bread that came from heaven, so that whom eats of it, will never die…, whom eats of this bread will life for eternity.` The `Bread that you break with friends` ant which the son of god called his flesh, seemes to be – contrary to former assumtions not a pure symbolic – but embobified through a functional sacrament. The heavenly bread enabled his disciples to get close to the experience of `Unio Mytica` – myself and the creation are one. The bread of the middle ages, contaminated up to 70 % and containing certain amounts of `Ergot` lead to simular experiences for hundret thousand of ergotism-plague victims. In the mids the `mothercorn-epedemics, appearing in Russia, Scandinavia and Germany caused by ergot-infected flour and bread during the hunger periods of the 30-year old war the mystic Angelus Silenius writes this experience of singularity:

„The bread, the lord in us acts as the philosophers stone, it turnes us into gold, where we are melded. Then lead turns into gold, coincidence fades away, when I am unified with god by god.`
Angelus Silenius, mystic 1627-1677

The tradition of selfintoxication reaches far back to the roots of human culture, as the magical copper kettle witch craft of the druids proove. In April 1943 a room opened up fo the western `civilisation`, which was known to socalled primitive cultures since thousands of years. With the invention of LSD-25 the modern man discovered that a particle of matter was able to change our conciousness fundamentally. Gottfried Benn termed this revelation, after his LSD trip with Albert Hofmann in his house on the Riggimatte` with the words: `God is a substance, a drug.` Who wonderes that the cartoon animation company Terry Toones, did let her cartoon character

`Mighty Mouse` experience hallucinations in his fight against the ergot three xeary before Dr. Hofmann discovered the psychoactive qualities in the 25th synthesis of his Lsyergis Acid Diethylamide. And that the character in Leo Peruz`s novel `St. Petri Schnee` (St. Peters Snow) extracts a psychoaktive, watery solution from the `Mothercorn` Ergot-Mushroom, allready five years before dr. Albert Hofmann should synthesize the LSD and ten years before LSD turned out to be so strongly psychoactive. These and othe facts indicate the question how far the `Ergot` Mushroom or better it`s in the human psyche psychoactive molecule is responsible for our occidental image of god and our religious believes.

`If anything is destinated to carry itself through time into eternity, it is probably an eternity revealing chemical formula, a substance, a molecule.`
b.-Eden 123, DOPEC (2008)

Up until the sixties neither the spiritual nor the psychedelic experience could be linked with the shamanism, untill the english bankman Gordon Wasson discovered the `holy mushrooms` of the mazatec shaman woman `Maria Sabina` and Dr. Hofmann synthesized the psychoactive compound `Psylicibin` (1957) from them. As the worlds famoust chemist continued to dind out that Lysergic Acids exists in higher plants as the `Ololiqui` (1959) and hawaiian `Baby Wood rode` (1963) and that the `Kykeon` drink at the center of the `great Mysteries` of Eleusis contained alkaloids familiar to LSD, his discoveries pushed the doors to shamanism and the religious roots of mankind wide open.

But just as Albert Hofmann would have rejected any order to invent such a psychoactive potent chemical agent, the concious research movement does not view it as it`s job, to bow further than the collected facts, represented in this DVD Set. It is the job of advanced scientists to uncover the story around the `mothercorn- and cornmother-cult` at the foundations of our own culture.

`Let go of the flower, do`nt go into the corn, the ryemother goes around and round, soon she ducks, then she looks again: she`ll catch the children reaching out for the flowers.`
August Kopisch 1799-1853

The ancient nature- and vegetation goddesses have been made responsible for many discoveries and quantum leaps of mankind. Als `nisabah` and as grain carriieng Demeter she was honoured as the transmitter of writing and agriculture. Also Steve Jobbs and Steve Wosniak, the two developers of the first personal computer `Apple` 1, today known as Mac saw the design of their electronic circuits during one of their LSD trips. Yes, the modern achievement of the electronical revolution is founded on contents of conciousness transmitted by LSD-25 – only who honoures the planetary intelligence `Gaia` for this?

Convinced of the existence of such a higher octaved intelligence the blessed scientist Dr. Hofmann, our elder and mentor, recognizes the big aim of science to be receiver and to recognize life as it is: infinite & wonderfull. After his LSD experience he understood that `that what we call `the realiy` in a reasonable sense is nothing static but more meaning and not to classify. On LSD I experienced another reality and until then I had thought there is only this one `true` reality. Now I began to understand that other dimensions of reality do exist.`

LSD has revealed that the commonly accepted consens-reality is no fixed size. `Objectively existing is only matter and energy, everything else is subjective. Reality appears within each human,` so Dr. Hofmann: This makes clear what went along with the psychedelic experience. It questions the materialistic world perception! This change of reality is the most fundamental transformation for us planetary citizens, that went along with the psychedelic experience. What Albert Hofmann and his problem- and wonderchild have to reveal is simular to what Albert Einstein did with Isaac Newton. The shift from an absolute to a relative reality!

Ps: We do not want to promote the consume of psychedelics as party drug (as in the 1960’s and 70’s). For good reasons the usage of psychoactive substances in `primitive` cultures took place within a ritual context. While the use of psychedelics need intensive preparation an a experienced guidance, the repressive drug policy has prevented to develope a respectfull handling of the psychedelics until now.

The Global Community can and will not the old paradigm of what`s right and what`s wrong. It is on us to find answers to the question what we – as global citizens – will allow ourselfes to experience in future. In theis process of awakening awareness the wonder child LSD-25 (and it`s plant cousins) once went onto the long pathway to be recognized and even legalized for therapeutical treatment of addiction and as a philosophical tool. This first edition of the 2DVD-Set `The Philosophers Stone` is a contribution towards this goal.

In the name of all individuals, groups and tribes turned towards creation worlwide, we give thanks to the pioneer of conciousness research Dr. Albert Hofmann for his 102’nd birthday.
Your`s Boris Nikolaus Hiesserer, in the name of the D.O.P.E.Committee, spring equinox 2008

The `Doors Of Perception Ethic Committee` was founded 2003 in Heidelberg. Dedicated to the work on the social plastic and in support of a circle of researchers, artists and scientists, DOPEC opens up new perspectives through the fusion of art, science and philosophy. DOPEC`s central model and most important tool, the `mediaSahamanism` can be understood as a model of practical 21’st century magic, in which DOPECS multi-art-divisions use new media – opposing their commo, manipulative usage – as a powerfull tool for reality design and the manifestation of utopean concepts, tranformation and healing.

The `Archaic Techniques Of Exstasy` are the subtitel of Mircea Eliade`s world bestseller on religious `Shamanism`.

A Biography
`If we are able to overcome dualism and fully grow ourselfes into the senses and into the living world,
the state of happiness and love will manifest itself. You could say: `Love is the highest form of perception`
and you could say: `Perception is the highest form of love.`
Dr. Albert Hofmann, Rave New World Magazine, 1999
Curriculum Vitae

Albert Hofmann was born on January, 11th 1906 in Basel, the eldest of one brother and two sisters. While his father was working in the small Swiss town as a toolmaker, young Albert had mystical experiences beyond the everyday reality. At the age of 20 he began his studies in chemistry at the university of Basel. Four years later, as apprentice of the novel price winner Paul Karrer he completed his degree with an astounding dissertation on the degradation of `Chinin`. During his army service as a natural chemist, he supervised the pharmaceutical research laboratory Sandoz. In 1938 he synthesized new chemical compounds from the Ergot, including the lysergic acid diethylamide 25.

Five years later on April, 16th 1943, Dr. Hofmann met by an intuitive inspiration, took the LSD out of the lab`s archive once again. Unintendedly he absorbed a minor amount of the 25th LSD derivate and began experiencing slight alterations in perception. On April 19th, the pioneer of modern conciousness research conducted a self experiment which resulted in him leaving his office in a state of panic and bliss, to this day experienced only through supernatural perceptions of saints, shamans, schizophrenics and visionary mystics.

As tests on Sandoz employees proved: the LSD he had discovered was a consciousness altering substance with unknown potency. Only a teaspoon of his psychoactive substance had the potential to open the subconscious of around 50.000 people almost immediatly. Those that partake would temporarily experience a deeply sensitive overextatic state of mind. Insights into LSD appeared also to open a path towards a better understanding of suppressed memories. Psychiatric research was necessary, therefore Sandoz went into production with the brand name Delysid, intending to equip psychotherapeutic centers and mental hospitals worldwide.

Shortly after the war, the US-secret service simultaneously financed a lions share of the consciousness research towards German and American universities and research centers. The CIA`s interest was to use LSD as an agent of control. LSD was considered by the US-Secret Service for purposes of spying (defense), secret operations and researching projects of consciousness control – such as truth- & brainwashing methods practiced in `Operation Artichoke & MK-Ultra`. LSD was tested as an agent of chemical warfare and was applied to US-soldiers, returning from imprisonment in Korea. According to an article in the Lysergic World 1993 Sandoz supplied the CIA the unimaginable quantity of 10 kg of LSD. In following years the warlords of the CIA gave LSD to unknown amounts of people, many who had been completely unaware that they had been given LSD. Many universities financed by the CIA conducted experimental LSD tests on students, such as Ken Kesey (`One flew above the cuckoo`s nest). Viewed without success the experiments were stopped. The remaining LSD leaked out of the laboratories onto the streets, making the CIA responsible for a new youth and culture revolution.

Harvard Professor Dr. Timothy Leary ordered and obtained 100 Grams (40.000.000 LSD trips) from the Sandoz AG, realizing instinctively, that a clinical surrounding was not ideal for the development of the LSD. To Leary it was of value to appreciate this sacred healing plant as a sacrament of a `new indigenous Religion`. Kesey`s group `Merry Pranksters` toured the states in a rainbow coloured school bus, celebrating `be-ins`, spreading out LSD and with it the spirit of a `new age`. On the day of John F. Kennedy`s assassination, 11th 22nd 1963, the mescaline initiated english author Aldous Huxley was already on deaths bed. Two hits of each 100 mg of LSD injected intramuscular by his wife Laura helped him pass over gracefully. Among other ways he describes his mystical experiences through his books `Heaven & Hell`, `Island` and `Doors of Perception. He visited Hofmann in Switzerland in 1961, hailing him the inventor of the true `moksha` medicine.

In the 50’s the Hollywood film star Gary Grant highly praised LSD`s effects in `Times` Magazine. In the 60’s LSD was promoted by media theoretic Marshall McLuhan and Beat-authors such as Kerouak, Ginsberg, Burroughs and bands such as the Greatful Dead, Jefferson Airplane a.m.o. Like a wave of transformation LSD broke over the mainstream culture of the planet. When the sales manager of Sandoz was informed that the price of the underground-LSD had risen to 100.000 USDollars per gram, the distribution from Sandoz was immediately stopped. By this time, more than one million young Americans had experienced the consciousness expanding effects of LSD. The Wonder Child LSD became the problem child of a confused society, as the LSD psychologically threatened a culture without spiritual connection to shamanism.

As the first vice president of the European council of consciousness research (ECBS) Albert Hofmann said: `I hope that over time something similar to Eleusis is created – Meditation centers that don`t intend to heal the ill, but intent to evolve the individual through meditative techniques or chemical aid.`

Discovery of the mexican `magic mushrooms` and other psychoactive agents, synthesized by the chemist and nature philosopher Hofmann (among them the mexican witchcraft plants, such as the Lysergicacid Diethylamide containing morning glory `Ololiuqui`, the psychic sage `Salvia Divinorum` and the hawaian baby wood rose) opened the gateway to our religious cultural heritage.

Dr. Hofmann`s work brought profits up into the billions for the company of Sandoz (which fused with Ciba-Geigy to Novartis). For his works on Ergot, squill, foxglove and for the developements of the indispensable medication Hydergin®, Dehydergot®, und Methergin® he was awarded with the honorary doctorate of the Universities of Zurich, Stockholm & Berlin. Last but not least, only a few days after the international Symposium `LSD – Problem Child or Wonder Drug` in Basel in 2006, Dr. Albert Hofmann was honored by the organic chemical institute of the Zurich University.

Significant contributions to consciousness research

The discovery of LSD-25 by Dr. Albert Hofmann enriched the consciousness of western civilization. It opened a lost treasure of archaic knowledge and a doorway into the world of sacred magical plants.

His scientific explorations provided him deep insights into the various structures of reality. The experience of man and nature as one formed into his own world perception. Controversial discussions in the early 60’s brought up the question, if the use of psychedelics could be comparable to a religious experience. Albert Hofmann represented the point of view, that `every mystical experience is a religious experience`. And in fact, the revolutionary discovery of LSD sheads new light on that which was, for over 2000 years the core of the eleusian Mysteries (the `great mystery games` at the foundations of our greek-roman culture).

As a chemist and a retired nature philosopher, Albert Hofmann rejected the absurd nihilistic ideas of a science `which is harmful, when it takes the spiritual and religious fundament out from our lifes, leaving the individual insecure and lonely in a spiritually empty, technical world.`

Hofmann is one of the few truely gifted scientists humble enough to recognize the true role of science in nature. He explained his LSD experience and the different reality`s he had experienced through the metaphor of television. `To created a picture, we first need a transmitter, we also need a receiver and an antenna. Now, in the creation of what we call reality, the material external world acts as a sender and the antennas as our sense organs. The screen is the consciousness where the incoming impulses from the external world create a living picture of the external world inside of us. So externally, objectively only matter & energy exist- everything else experienced in this so called reality is subjective and happens within the individuals themselfs. Only I can see, hear and feel, this is very decisive because it implies: The world is created inside of each and every human being, each one inhereting cosmological abilities.`

The quantum leap of consciousness that Dr. Hofmann attained through his own LSD experiences, revealed to him `that which in the ordinary sense is called `reality` is not solid, but moreover ambiguous and undefined. Under the influence of LSD I was experiencing another reality… and up until then I believed in only one `true` reality! Now I began to realize that other dimensions do exist.`

Albert Hofmann`s connection to LSD, created a fundamental change in mankind. This change of reality is close to what Albert Einstein revealed to Isaac Newton: The shift of our world view from an absolute reality to a relative one.

Just recently, in 2007, the readers poll of the british daily newspaper „The Guardian“ did choose Albert Hofmann to be the most important living genius of our times!

Creation`s beauty is the worlds best drug

The alchemical `prime matter` – the matrix of the cyclic nature – reveals itself as an infinite sender. Depending on our instruments and consciousness we can receive various frequencies, wavelengths and realities (as it happens under the influence of LSD). Dr. Hofmann made the point that archaic instruments such as Psylocibin or LSD are both plant agents, chemically as well as structurally related to ordinary brain processes (…) they should not be seen as abnormal, but as in context to our interconnection with the plant kingdom.

In Santa Cruz, California, Dr. Hofmann testified via video to a convention celebrating LSD`s 50th birthday in 1993, that he was convinced of the existence of higher intelligence inherent in all creation, when he said:

„Often I’ve been called `the father of LSD`, which raises the question: Who is the mother? The mother is `Ergot`, a mushroom called `Mutterkorn` (mother-corn) in German. She gave birth to some of my pharmaceutical children. The first one was `Metagin` with birth support effects. The second one was `LSD`. While `Metagin` helps to give birth to a physical child LSD proves itself very helpfull in bearing the spiritual child, which lies latent in all Human beings. LSD is acting upon the spiritual world, this constellation is no coincidence, but the intention of a higher authority.“

Convinced by the importance to consider the spiritual knowledge of the natives, the father of LSD-25 regarded it as a crime to give LSD to unknowing `victims` (regardless if psychiatric patience, civilians, military service staff or prisoners). Albert Hofmann was devoted to the scientific examination of hallucinogenic agents and their healing powers in various cultures, mainly the ritualistic use of alkaloid containing elixirs in the great greek mysteries of Eleusis. Through numerous lectures he shared his philosophical insights on the search for happiness and freedom to a worldwide audience.

In his last Interview with a german news magazine he talked about dying and said: `I don`t believe that I will need LSD to die, I can look forward to death with joy (…) I am happy to see my relatives and friends again`. `I think, I am the re-incarnation of an ancient greek`, he said in a german newspaper-interview that he gave one week before his death. Death for him would not mean the end: `We wont go into nothingness, wont be lost. There is only a transformation.` And proud of his discovery he said: `In the meantime LSD is not a problem-child anymore. I am proud of the wonder-drug LSD as it brought happyness to so many people.` Still LSD would not be the worlds best drug – to him Dr. Hofmann said: `The beauty of creation is the best drug there is.`

The father of LSD-25 died on Tuesday the 29th of April 2008 – 4 month after his wife Anita in their house on the Swisse Rittimatte.

Edited by the mediaShaman – Boris Nikolaus Hiesserer – Doors Of Perception Ethic Committee, Heidelberg 2008