Psychotherapist C. G. Jung recognized a complex system of systematic psycho-spiritual transformation.

Psychotherapist C. G. Jung recognized a complex system of systematic psycho-spiritual transformation. For the high work `Opus Magnum` a dance of imagination had to be generated, in wich the chemical processes in the test tubes got reflected in the psychological complexes within the alchemist. On their search for the world-code, true magicians, alchemists and scientists, as well as visionary mystics the `holy` in the own seemen and in the plant seeds, the own woman in the earth, the own life`s rythm of birth, death & resurrection in the own lifes cycle, the own blood vessels as the veins and rivers on land, the heavenly cosm as microcosm within the own body. This organic, holistic world view is expressed by the – seemingly also into the mysteries initiated historical Jesus of Nazareth. `The drain that falls to the earth and does not die will stay lonely – but if it dies it bring uncountable fruits`, he spoke and revealed with this the central core of the `great ancient mystery cults`: `Die and be reborn!`

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