In sight of this revelation, it seems as if we are the naive!

In sight of this revelation, it seems as if we are the naive! Probably we`ve assumed to early, to have understood all there is to know about matter. But5 untill the present day we cant tell where our feelings nor our soul is located. It seems as if the Witches and alchemists, through their humbleness, gained deeper insights into the workings of the world, as we humans of the technological age have archieved today. The psychedelic shamanism of many indigenous tribes is founded on those insights into creation and self. With the globalisation of `MediaShamanis` the psychedelic research community has expanded the term `Technology` into the plant knowledge and the archaic techniques of exstasy. The protection of these tribal cultures, threatened by genozide, and the preservation of old knowlede is, as well up on the modern conciousness movements agenda as the aim to accept psychedelics as a cultural heritage of mankind.

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