Dr. Hofmann describes the primary-cyclic …

Dr. Hofmann describes the primary-cyclic…natural matrix as an infinite transmitter. Our ability to perceive other worlds from it`s infinite nature depends on the quality of instruments and level of consciousness. For his entire life he pointed out the fact that: `the archaic instruments such as LSD or Psylocibin are natural agents, chemically and structurally related to common brain factors. For no means are they abnormal, but are in fact related to our interconnection with the plant kingdom.`

In the course of time, the pioneer of consciousness research abnegated to the absurd nihilistic scientific ideas, `which are harmful to the spiritual fundaments of Life, as they leave the individual in the loneliness and insecurity of a dead, technical world`. LSD-25 has the potential to help us overcome the spiritual vacuum created by our materialistic world views.

The witch hunt and the war on drugs has forced this experience of wholeness and healing underground, but as this current film documentation presents, LSD-25 has triggered the freedom movements, the Apple Computer and the global citizenship. If we make the effort to be guided by both reason & heart (Logos & Eros) inside todays global village, it will not take long before LSD`s purifying and empowering effects are recognized and even legalized as a standard therapeutic and philosophical tool.

What Dr. Hofmann and his wonder child LSD reveals to the emerging planetary community is simular to what Albert Einstein did to the physician Isaac Newton: LSD brought the transfer of our worldview from an absolute to a relative reality.

In love for live, your mediaShaman

Boris Eden Nikolaus Hiesserer (Doors Of Perception Ethic Committee-Heidelberg)

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